Monday, February 16, 2009

Minuscule/Massive.En Masse

My current exhibition at Hand Held is underway. The exhibition is made up of 8 artist books/prototypes which are all interpretations of the manuscript 'Alley cat Nomad' by Adrian Lawson. All books contain text that is 3point or smaller so magnifying glasses are provided in the exhibition space.

Concert Book (tall) is a 10m long concertina book folded into a tall slim volume. On the shelf it folds and curls around itself in a maze of pages.

Scroll Box is a new take on an old idea. The scroll is built into a box which contains a magnifying glass.

Mini/Massive is a teeny tiny 1000page book. 4x3x8cm when closed.

Arch Concertina is another folded concertina that stretches out over 20m

Accordion, a tall slim accordion book that provides the entire manuscript on one long page.

City Alley Poster, The entire novel fits onto 6 A2 posters. The image is the work of the novelist Adrian Lawson.

Unfold, each page of the book folds out to 4 times it height.
Labyrinth, a wall piece where the pages weave and wind.

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